Global Asset Development HK Limited 置信海外物業有限公司


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Founded in Hong Kong, Global Asset Development HK Limited (GAD) has incorporated the most capable and knowledgeable professionals in oversea properties marketing. We provide access to Hong Kong and China purchasers for a wide range of overseas property selection through our proficient services in property marketing, mortgage brokerage, legal service, tax advice and property management.
We are specialising on oversea properties in Australia, Canada, Thailand and especially UK. Members of our team all have extensive experience in promoting overseas properties for more than 10 years.
We understand the market needs, all property sites are carefully selected in terms of location, building structure, future uptrend value. Most importantly, we committed to maintain the highest standard of business conduct in achieving our corporate goal.

Address: Room 304,3/F, Lippo Sun Plaza, 28 Canton Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, HongKong
Email: [email protected]
Tel: 3708 9490

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